mandag den 12. maj 2008


Walking was always boring, my feet were too slow to show the world, what a place it is the world, and what of me? I like driving in my car, my beautiful and honest little one, from this place to that, I did not know where to go before I knew you. Everything seems different now, space is cool and life is never wet, my feet are dry and pushing – always pushing. The speeder is driving me away, I know that place – it seemed so far ago back then, before I knew of you my friend. Keep pushing me away, I knew my father then, the one I loved too much in death, in presence still alive in dreams, keeps pushing me away from him. And all I knew of Daddy-Daddy was a once endearing rhyme: keep pushing me, keep pushing me away, and please don’t stay – a once endearing rhyme – until the end of time. When when was not before, and I, I knew of them, kept pushing me and pushing me away.

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Hej Marie

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